Syracuse Personal Injury Attorneys

Personal injury attorneys are oftentimes the subject of unfavorable attention. Negative stereotypes are reinforced by the entertainment industry and social media.

In reality, real people suffer real injuries every day and are very often left destitute and permanently disabled as a result of the carelessness or voluntary act of another person.

At O’Brien and Ford, we are proud to be personal injury attorneys, dedicated to making life better for our clients after an often stressful experience. 

There are many varieties of personal injury suits, including: 

  • Millions of cars on the road mean millions of accidents, so automobile accident matters make up the lion’s share of most personal injury firms‘ work. You may be hurt while driving, or as a passenger. You may have been hit by a car as you crossed the road. Although New York is a “no-fault” state, a person who is seriously injured may still have the chance to sue for their injuries. An experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to determine you if you have the right to sue for damages. 
  • Cases involving falls make up another sizable portion of a personal injury form’s caseload. Falls are the largest single cause of emergency room visits and can occur anywhere. Dangerous conditions, for example, objects left unattended or defective flooring, are the cause of many falls. 
  • Sports injuries are also common and, in some cases, are the result of carelessness. Most of the time, people who engage in such activities are presumed to understand the risks involved, but in some cases, negligence might be a factor. 
  • Personal injury lawsuits might result from injuries from power tools, weapons, appliances and even toys. 
  • Worker’s compensation insurance covers on the job injuries, so if you have been injured at work, make sure to consult an injury lawyer with experience in worker’s compensation. 
  • Manufacturers and sellers of goods owe their customers a duty to make sure their products are not unsafe. Manufacturers are also obligated to warn customers of potential dangers and to instruct them on how to use the products safely. 
  • Regrettably, even the best doctors make mistakes and those mistakes may result in more medical procedures, worse injuries and even death. Personal injury lawyers experienced in the area of medical malpractice will assess your matter, seek the guidance of experts when necessary and advise you of your rights. 
  •  Damages from injuries caused by deliberate and unlawful acts like assault, rape and murder may also be recovered in a personal injury lawsuit. 

We have covered just some of the scenarios in which a personal injury attorney may be able to help an injured person.


Syracuse Personal Injury Law Firm

Picking the right attorney when you are injured is crucial. You should look for a lawyer who has the specific knowledge your lawsuit requires.

The lawyers at O’Brien and Ford have experience in all personal injury matters. You also want an attorney who is not afraid to go to court if necessary. 

Most importantly, you want a lawyer who sees you as a person, not just another case. 


Personal Injury Lawyers Near Me

The attorneys at O’Brien and Ford will treat you with respect and will strive to get you the best possible results.

The lawyers and support staff at O’Brien and Ford are known for their personal attention to their clients and for their commitment to obtaining the best possible outcome, whether that involves negotiating a fair settlement or taking your lawsuit to court. You may call at any time to set up a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our injury experts.