Even if you’ve never driven a car in your life, you know it’s illegal to run a red light. In New York City, it’s even illegal to make a right turn on red unless there is a sign telling you otherwise. But what does a yellow light mean? Should you slow down if a traffic light turns yellow, or should you floor it and hope you clear the intersection in time? Let’s take a closer look.

What Does a Yellow Light Mean?

The first traffic lights didn’t include yellow — they simply went from green to red. Yellow was added in the 1920s to help ease driver anxiety and keep roads safer. 

The purpose of the yellow light is straightforward — it’s a warning that the light is about to turn. From there, a driver can determine whether the best option is to continue at the same speed and clear the intersection or slow down before the light turns red.

Can You Run a Yellow Light in New York?

Now you know what it means if you come across a yellow light in New York. But when it comes to whether you can legally run a yellow light, you should consult New York law to be sure. 

According to the law, a steady yellow light means that “[t]raffic, except pedestrians, facing a steady circular yellow signal may enter the intersection; however, said traffic is thereby warned that the related green movement is being terminated or that a red indication will be exhibited immediately thereafter.”

In plain English, that means it’s perfectly legal to run a yellow light. As long as some part of your vehicle is in the intersection when the light turns red, you’re in the clear. However, the fact that you can legally run a yellow light doesn’t always mean you should.

Safety Considerations

Everyone knows someone who speeds up when they see a yellow light. Maybe you speed up before yellow lights yourself. If you’re confident that you can clear the intersection before the other light turns green (and other cars start entering the intersection) and without hitting any pedestrians, doing this is not necessarily dangerous.

Some people opt to play things a little safer and slow down when they see a yellow light. 

This is also legal, but you should keep in mind that whether you speed up or slow down, there are some safety considerations to keep in mind:

  • If you speed up at a yellow light but there are cars in your lane backed up into the intersection, you may be stuck in the intersection when the other light turns green
  • If you slow down too abruptly at a yellow light, you might increase your risk of being rear-ended

Essentially, you should always be aware of your surroundings before deciding what to do at a yellow light. For instance, if you’re on a high-speed road and the person behind you is following very closely, it may actually be safer to speed up or keep going the same speed than it is to slow down.

Remember: Defensive Driving Is Always the Best

Ultimately, whether you should slow down before a yellow light in New York comes down to a judgment call. But when in doubt, driving defensively is best. Waiting at a red light isn’t anyone’s idea of a good time — but it’s better than causing an accident.

Contact The Buffalo Car Accident Lawyers At O’Brien & Ford PC For Help Today

For more information, please contact the Buffalo car accident lawyers at O’Brien & Ford PC to schedule a free consultation with an accident lawyer. We have a convenient office location in Buffalo, NY.

We proudly serve all throughout Erie County and the state of New York.

O’Brien & Ford Buffalo Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers
4549 Main St, Suite 201
Buffalo, New York, 14226
(716) 222-2222